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VPS is a non-profit 501 (C) (3) organization.
We rely on the generosity of your donations, our volunteers and our sponsors to continue efforts to fund programs that contribute to the safety and well-being of our community. Here's how you can help:
Donate with PayPal
Click the button below to donate with PayPal. You can use your PayPal account or a Credit Card.
Donate via USPS
We're happy to accept donations via United States Postal Service (USPS). Send your check or money order (never send cash!) to our mailing address: Volunteer Palm Springs, P.O. Box 5803, Palm Springs, CA 92263.
Donate to a Fundraiser
Donate to support any of our FUNDRAISER EVENTS using PayPal or through the United States Postal Service -- and be sure to visit our Fundraisers page for details on upcoming events, we'd love to have you join us!